Well today is Ryder's birthday. I can't believe how fast he is growing up. My boy is two years old! He has been such a fun little guy, I never knew how much fun one little boy could be. He has only been here for two years and yet I can't remember life without him. He is finally starting to talk, and is VERY animated. He knows what he wants and doesn't want that's for sure, and as you will see, one of those things is getting his pictures taken. We went today and for the first 45 minutes, we tried endlessly to get him to smile, or heck we would have even settled for just a glance toward the camera, screaming or not. Finally we got what we thought was the best shot. He was screaming and clinching his fists, oh man he WAS MAD! But then we took a break, and returned to get the cutest pictures of my Ryder boy. We had witnessed a miracle. Here is the product of our hard days work. (And a few of my favorite pictures of the last two years). Love you Ryder Boy!!Ryder+birthday_0001.jpg">
Friday, March 20, 2009
My Sweet Birthday Boy!!
Posted by Gray Family at 10:10 PM 12 comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Birthday Boy
Posted by Gray Family at 11:02 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Birthday Girl!

Posted by Gray Family at 9:10 PM 5 comments
Saturday, January 31, 2009
I decided that since my sister can't manage to take 5 minutes to get on and blog about the goings on in her world then I will do it for her. Charity has been very busy. All of her girls are busy with gymnastics, where Charity also teaches. Last year was a good year. Probably the best part of it was the trip taken to visit her amazing sister (me) in Arizona. Apparently however, she did not find this blog worthy so I will save her the trouble of feeling guilty for not gushing over this harrowed event and post a blog for her. You can even take the credit Charity. She, along with our sister Sallie, my mom, Sallies girls and her own 3 girls hopped in Sallies new car and made the 12 hour trek to 95 degree weather (in October mind you). We had a great time as we always do. The time passed much too quickly as it usually does.
Now Charity, what I really wanted to do was change your layout and music. We're coming up on Valentines Day and this Christmas layout, while very cute, has got to go. I love Christmas music more than anything but even for me it's time. I was afraid however that it would erase your widgets and such and you might be a little irritated. Let this serve as a warning though my sweet little sister that this page days are numbered. I want to say though that we really miss you...all of you. I look forward to seeing you all again very soon. Until then know that we love you and hope you are enjoying that cold weather. It was 75 today.
Oh and I'm posting the next 3 pictures because I took them. I like them and I felt they were also blog worthy. No, it's ok my feeling aren't hurt that you didn't like the pictures. Really.
Posted by Gray Family at 6:32 PM 3 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Nativity
Last week we got to take the kids to see this live nativity up in Highland that we found out about at the last minute. It was way cool. We were first greeted by shepherds that pointed the way to go, which we followed, to be met by more shepherds warning of the Roman soldiers. Then we were stopped by the Roman soldiers because they spotted Ryder, and they demanded we tell them how old he was. They were all serious. Then we let the kids pet the camel and we walked through "the streets of Bethlehem". We saw the sheep, and the donkey, and then we were led up the hill to a small stable where Mary and Jesus were, with baby Jesus. It was very neat, I only wish we would have found out about it sooner!
Posted by Gray Family at 1:55 AM 4 comments
...A Lot Like Christmas
Last weekend we were invited to go on a little train ride called the "Polar Express". It is a little train that you sit on and have a little ride on around 2 or 3 properties owned by this family. They take you to the "North Pole" to see Santa. It was very fun the kids had a blast! Santa had a message of Christ, the true meaning of Christmas and talked to the kids about gifts that you can not wrap. After that the train took us through several scenes of Christ's life through big paintings lit up along the way... very cool.
Posted by Gray Family at 12:47 AM 3 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Little Man Syndrome
I found this video of Ryder and the girls when I was downloading all of my other pictures. Yeah he can pretty much hold his own with all of his sisters. They love to tease him.
Posted by Gray Family at 10:16 PM 7 comments